25 things to do before you are 25 23!
1. Have a really good one-night stand with a gorgeous guy. Forget about your personalities matching up and forget about Facebooking him the next day. Appreciate the smoking hot naked body…and take some Plan B in the morning just in case, because if you did it right, you have no way of ever contacting him.
DONE. tho technically i knew the guy so i didnt "do it right" but i think "doing it right" wouldn't be that healthy for me and my emotional attachments.
2. Do an illegal drug. Otherwise your kids will think you’re totally lame 30 years down the road when they’re all like “Mom, I bet you were so wild and fun back in the ’10s” and you’ll have to respond “well, one time I drank beer before liquor.”
DONE. Weed of course. who hasn't. and it was quite a long time ago the first time. 15. maybe even 14. what a friggin rebel.
3. Live in another country (even if it’s just for a short period of time). You’ll get an entirely new perspective on our country, on the world, and on how far reaching American scandals go in other countries. Nothing like your Spanish host mom bringing up Monica Lewinsky years after the fact.
nope. i suppose i was india for a few months but is that technically living there? what classifies as living somewhere? to me it doesnt count anyways.
4. Travel on the cheap. Pick a destination and do it up, backpacking-style. Stay in hostels, eat unidentifiable food, and make sure to have anti-diarrhea medicine on hand. Once you’re over 25, your body will no longer be able to stomach staying in those places, eating that food, and experiencing food poisoning in front of a ton of foreign strangers.
DONE. Europe. ok it ended badly but ive done it, and india aswell obv.
5. Confront a fear. Doesn’t matter if it’s a fear of heights or a fear of spiders, figure out a way to face it head on just once.
now, im not sure i have any real fears, phobias. i dont want to be alone forever, but who does? i dont like to fail but i dont have a fear of it. meh.
6. Be brave and be bold and have sex with the lights on. He’ll find you even sexier, which will only boost your own self-confidence.
DONE. im very lucky and have body confidence :)
7. Splurge on an awesome pair of jeans that fit you really well. Bonus points if they also fit your completely different-sized best friends just as well and make magical things happen.
meh, this doesnt interest me. i own one pair of jeans and i occasionally wear them. i prefer my dresses that really fit me.
8. Apologize to someone you were mean to in middle school. Except for that one girl who didn’t need braces, everyone was feeling insecure and left out in those days. A quick Facebook message apology will brighten her day.
i dont feel guilty about being mean to anyone. i dont remember being mean to anyone which either means im a bitch or a saint.
9. Make a real guy friend who is really just a friend. As in you don’t want to ever see him naked and he doesn’t ever want to see you naked. No points if you’re related.
DONE. Joesph Price. 7 years and counting. woo. thats right. i cant even spell his name right. Joseph.
10. Get a job working with food or working with clothes. You’ll never treat your waiters, your bartenders, your salespeople the same way ever again. You’ll suddenly understand why they ask you to get off the phone when you’re ordering and why they request that you take your clothes out of the dressing room.
DONE and DONE. burton menswear. measuring old men. not fun. pizza hut. oh. my. good. god. people are rude.
11. Figure out what kind of wine you actually like. There is life beyond Franzia and you’ll feel so mature and adult when you can tell a date that you prefer a dry Chardonnay over a sweeter Pinot. The best way to figure this out on the cheap? Go on a wine tour. You’ll sort things out real quick. Oh, and learn how to work a corkscrew. No wine is enhanced by chunks of cork floating around.
DONE. I like NO wine. it all tastes pooey. along with tea, coffee, lager, beer and whiskey.
12. Take a roadtrip with your friends. The destination doesn’t matter. As Miley Cyrus once “sang,” it’s all about the climb. Nothing brings friends closer than endless games of “Count the Cracker Barrels,” hours upon hours of deep conversations (out come the family secrets!), and Disney sing-a-longs.
DONE. A rather strange one. Woolacombe with previously mentioned male friend joe price, ex-boyfriend lee bohin and friend georgina wilson. was a weird but fun trip.
13. Try an exotic food you can’t pronounce.
DONE. that thing in prague. it didnt taste very exotic at all but i couldnt pronounce it!
14. Go to a college football game and go all out. Paint your face, lose your voice from cheering, and tailgate like a rockstar.
nope. tbf im english so there are no college football games to go to.
15. See a Broadway show. Even the most cynical people leave a show happy.
DONE. of course.
16. Go 24 hours media-free. That means turn off your cell phone and shut down your computer. With the exception of getting tagged in heinous photos that you can’t de-tag right away, you won’t miss anything.
nope. tho i probs did it when i was india but that doesnt really count i guess as i didnt have the option to. i would do it tomorrow but i am waiting to hear back about a job interview. maybe next week.
17. Skinny dip.
DONE. after grad ball. hehe.
18. Give back to the community. Whether it’s building houses for Habitat for Humanity, participating in a campus Relay for Life, or standing for days on end for a Dance Marathon, you’ll have an awesome time and feel really, really good about yourself. After a 12 hour nap, of course.
DONE. i taught english in india for 6 weeks even when i was so ill i could barely walk to the school and i now pay for one of the children i taught, simran to go to the better school.
19. Learn to do your own taxes and how to manage your own money. It will make that transition into real life so. much. easier.
in progress. kinda.
20. Take your parents out to a nice dinner. Because they deserve it.
umm... dunno if i can do this. def not at the same time anyways, tho they did eat together at graduation but i didnt pay.
21. Start a blog about your life and update it regularly. Sure it seems self-centered now, but you’ll be grateful ten years from now when you can reflect on your life when you were really living it up.
DONE. Tho i dont really feel like im living it up!
22. Go to a Pride Parade. There is nothing on earth as fun, happy and memorable than a parade dedicated to gay pride.
i wanna go to the brighton one next year.
23. Go to Vegas and let go. Party hard, then party harder. Then hit up an all-you-can-eat buffet to sober up…so you can party again.
dont think this is gunna happen any time in the near future.
24. Learn to drive a manual car. They’re cheaper and, really, it’s just a cool party trick. Plus, from what we hear, it’s a major turn-on for guys.
DONE. tho havent done it in about 4 years, oh dear.
25. Donate blood. If you think donating is scary, imagine being the person who needs it during a blood shortage. And if that’s not enough, there are cookies.
DONE but must do it again.
ok...so should i be happy i have done 16 out of 25 and 6 of them i cant really do or don't care about so really i only havent done 3? i suppose its a gd thing, just need to find a new list!
so to do before im 23....
1. donate blood again.
2. go 24hrs media free.
wow. i'd better get busy!